klips uni koln login
Here are the top pages of the “klips uni koln login” are here and you can also see the other helpful links below.
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Erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich im System KLIPS 2.0 anmelden, um Ihr Studium zu verwalten. Die Anmeldeseite ist für Desktop-Computer und mobile Endgeräte unterschiedlich gestaltet.
KLIPS 2.0 bietet: Einsicht in Ihren Studienstatus. An- und Abmelden von Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen. Einsicht Ihrer Prüfungsergebnisse. Verwaltung des Stundenplans. Automatische E-Mail bei Raumänderungen oder Terminabweichungen.
Application portal KLIPS. The application for our master’s programmes takes place only via KLIPS. Students of the UoC use their KLIPS account. External applicants, please create a base account. Please read our application instructions. You can apply for up to three master’s programmes per year.
KLIPS 2.0 is the online platform for course registration, exams and study documents at the University of Cologne. To log in, you need your student account user name and password.
How do I log into KLIPS 2.0? Open the login page by entering the link https://klips2.uni–koeln.de. In order to log into KLIPS 2.0 enter the Username and Password of your student account into the Login Window on the right hand side of the page. Click on Log In.
KLIPS 2.0 is the Campus Management System of the University of Cologne. It provides important information and applications for planning and organizing your studies such as for the: You can find the KLIPS 2.0 portal here: https://klips2.uni–koeln.de/ (language can be switched to English).
KLIPS 2.0 is used by students studying under the (new) examination regulation 2015 for their course and exam management. If you have questions regarding content or technical issues, feel free to contact the WiSo–KLIPS support.
Öffnen Sie die Anmeldeseite von KLIPS 2.0 über den Link https://klips2.uni–koeln.de. Um sich in KLIPS 2.0 anzumelden, geben Sie im rechten Seitenbereich unter Anmelden den Benutzernamen und das Passwort Ihres Studierenden-Accounts ein.
Use the right login user name and password for “klips uni koln login” to access. And also if you have forgotten the password? reset by giving the option on the page of klips uni koln login Still having an issue, contact us we will try to help you as soon as possible.